Seven Essential Tips to Your Success in Network Marketing
Several people join Network Marketing in search for financial freedom, a better quality of life, and the dream of getting out of the rat race. Each and every year thousands of people join and are out of the business within a year. Why do 75% of the people who join Network Marketing quit within their first year? Let me share with you Seven Essential Tips to Your Success in Network Marketing that will assist you in realizing your dreams:
1.Train yourself, teach others second.
Doctors go to medical school and lawyers go to law school. Why do most people who join a Network marketing company believe they are born with the skill sets that will earn them a six-figure income? Contrary to what some people may have told you, you must invest in yourself by listening to audios, reading self-development books, and attending training conferences. Don't make the mistake of not getting properly trained!!.
2.Treat it as a business, not a hobby!
According to Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of a Business is, the activity of buying and selling goods or services. Definition Hobby, an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working. Now, which definition is most suited for Network Marketing? I hope you chose Business. However, most people who join a Network Marketing company treat it as a hobby. They work the business when they feel like it, invest in training when they feel like it, and talk to prospects when they feel like it. And before you know it, they are out of the Business because the feel like it. Treat Network Marketing as a business.
3.Create a highly duplicable system
McDonalds is one of the largest and most successful hamburger franchises in history. Now most of us know that we could probably make a better hamburger than McDonald's. So what is the key to their success? A highly duplicable system. McDonald's has created a system that allows the average person to operate effectively. In Network Marketing, if you are not able to show others how to duplicate what you do, there is a good possibility that you will struggle.
4.Never Give Up
"No man is ever whipped, until he quits in is his own mind." Napoleon Hill. Do you recall the movie, Frankie and Johnny with Michelle Pieffer and Al Pacino. During this movie, Johnny was madly in love with Frankie (Michelle Pieffer). Unfortunately, these feelings were not mutual. To make a long story short, Johnny eventually won Frankie's heart through persistence and Never giving up! In the MLM industry, you have to be like Johnny. You have to keep moving on, even when you don't feel like it. Never give up!!
5.If you don't know where you are going any road will lead you there!
According to success tip # 2, this is a business, and you must treat it as so. As you are aware, any business normally has a business plan. This is no different in Network Marketing. Write down your goals, how many people you want to sponsor, how much income that you want to make, how many products that you want to sell, etc. The key is to establish a plan and stick to it. But be realistic in your goals and understand that this is a marathon, not a sprint.
6.Support your Downline
Lets face it, we are in this business to make money and the more training and support that you give to your downline, the better they will perform for you. Your job is to assist those you sponsor and help them recruit others so that there experience in Network Marketing is good and they make money. Just always remember, you can get anything in life you want, if you help others get what they want.
7.A Burning Desire
According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, the starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. I remember a 1998 playoff game with the Chicago Bulls vs. the Utah Jazz. Seconds left in the game and Michael Jordan is ill. He is so ill, that Scottie Pippen must assist him off the court during time outs. During this pivotal game, Michael Jordan ill with the flu, and can barely stand up, literally willed his team to victory with a last second heroic shot. Some may say lucky, and some may say skill, but I call it DESIRE! If you don't have it, get could make the difference between Dollars and Cents!
Barry Elliott is a Trainer and Consultant to the Network Marketing Industry. Barry introduces Network Marketers to recruiting concepts, strategies, and systems that assist Network Marketers in building their business rapidly.
He is a Business Partner with Wealth Builders International, which is the largest organization in ProSTEP. Wealth Builders International is also the editor of "Secrets to Marketing Like an MLM Pro!", a FREE MLM Training Online Ezine
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