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Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Bamboo Tree

The Bamboo Tree

Here is a great metaphor from Senator Komadina (Herbalife Distributor/Presidents Team Member) of why it's so important to keep getting trained and so important to keep "watering" your business:

Have you ever seen a Bamboo Tree? I never have, but hope to someday. I've heard that it's an awesome sight to see, soaring over a hundred feet straight up. What's even more awesome about a Bamboo Tree, though, is how one grows.

First, you have to get a Bamboo stock, about 18 inches long. Dig a hole 3 feet deep, and bury the stock completely in the ground. For the next 5 years, that stock must be watered every single day, 365 days a year. If one day is missed the tree will never appear. But, if meticulous care is taken for those 5 years, it is said that on that 1,825th day, the ground will break open and the tree will appear out of the ground.

What happens next is the phenomenon of the Bamboo Tree. The tree will soar to over 90 feet in a matter of 6 weeks! It grows at a rate of three feet every 24 hours. You could practically sit back and watch it grow. Some people say it takes 6 weeks for a Bamboo Tree to grow, while others say it takes 5 years and 6 weeks to grow. I guess it depends on if you were the one watering it for 5 years.

Imagine if you were to plant a Bamboo Tree in your back yard, and went out every day to water it, rain or shine. Suppose one of your neighbors sees you doing this for several days and asks, "Why are you watering the same spot of ground every day?" You reply, "I'm growing a Bamboo Tree. You water it every day for 5 years, then it grows to 90 feet in 6 weeks. You ought to try it." He ponders the idea, then replies, "No, I think I'll wait and see if yours works."

The next year, that same neighbor sees that you’re still watering the spot of ground. He asks, "Why are you still watering that spot and nothing happens?" You tell the man, "It takes time to grow a Bamboo Tree, but once it comes out of the ground, it is the most awesome sight to see. You ought to grow one too!" The neighbor just laughs and replies, "No, I'll just wait to see how yours turns out."

The third year, the neighbor isn't talking to you any more, doesn't want anything to do with you. The whole neighborhood has heard about the crazy person on the block that keeps watering this same spot in their yard, hoping to grow a Bamboo Tree.

The fourth year, they're sizing you up for a straight jacket, and none of the children are allowed to play near your home. But in that fifth year, the ground breaks open, and that stock that you had planted catches it's first rays of sunshine, and away it goes!

Six weeks later the neighbors are admiring this awesome sight that you now have, wishing they had a Bamboo Tree. But they would have to wait 5 years for theirs to grow! Boy, do they wish they had listened to you 5 years ago.

You have planted your stock in your Herbalife business.

It is much like a Bamboo Tree. It takes watering every day.

You don't see anything happen for some time, but you keep watering it. Many people will ask you, "How's your business going? Have you made your fortune yet? I'll wait to see how you do."

Then one day, your organization will open up, catch it's first rays of sunshine, and away it goes! You could practically sit back and watch it grow, faster and faster, higher and higher. While you're sitting on the top of your Bamboo Tree enjoying the view, others will be thinking, "I wish I had listened, and planted my stock."

For a very small number of people that are lucky, this could be within a few months. For the rest of us, we will work diligently for maybe 5 years (hopefully less) growing our Bamboo Tree. We will make mistakes, stupid decisions, use poor judgment, even be discouraged at times and think about quitting, but, if we keep doing it, be diligent in our watering every day, it will work!

Hakuna Matata
Means life without worry.
In order to find it,
you must be willing to look beyond what you see.
~~Rafikki - Lion King 1 1/2~~


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